Cytiva product datasheets, catalogs, app notes
Process Economy Of Using Cytodex Gamma Microcarriers
Microcarriers are commonly used in bioreactor cultures to provide a large growth surface for anchorage-dependent cells, and are typically provided either untreated or gamma-irradiated and ready for use.
Accelerated Manufacturing Of Subunit Vaccines For A Rapid Pandemic Response
This application note describes a process for rapid production of recombinant anthrax protective antigen (rPA) in short process time for the manufacture of an anthrax subunit vaccine.
Efficient Purification Of The Pertussis Antigens Toxin, Filamentous Haemagglutinin, And Pertactin In Chromatography Workflows
Read how this method resulted in higher purity and yield than what can be expected from a purification process based on salt precipitations and sucrose gradient centrifugation.
Automated In-Line Buffer Prep Saves Time And Facility Footprint
Buffer preparation is both time- and space-consuming and become a challenge in biomanufacturing. This application note describes a lean approach to buffer preparation by implementing in-line conditioning.
Continuous Chromatography In Downstream Processing Of A mAb
In this study, periodic counter current (PCC) chromatography and straight-through processing (STP) technologies were evaluated in a continuous three-step monoclonal antibody (mAb) purification process.
Seed Culture Expansion Process: Reduce Time And Maximize Utilization
This application note describes how perfusion cell culturing can be used to reduce processing time, simplify operations, and maximize equipment utilization in seed culture expansion processes. For creation of high-density cell banks, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were expanded using a bioreactor system operated in perfusion mode.
Resolving Bottlenecks of Recombinant Antibody Fragments
Antibodies and their derivatives are increasingly important and essential tools for biological research. Techniques to screen and characterize large numbers of antibodies and provide confident selection of the best candidates for development are therefore essential. Details described in this method will provide rapid screening in combination with data-rich selection of fragments with high affinity and the desired kinetic behavior.
Evolution Of Large-Scale Chromatography Column Packing
Chromatography has always played a crucial role in the purification of biologics. It has constantly evolved, and methods and capabilities have improved to reflect the industry requirements. This article gives an overview of how experience, innovation, and dialogue with customers led to the development of a platform that has revolutionized the economics of large-scale chromatography column packing.
Microbial Fermentation In Single-Use Xcellerex™ XDR-50 MO Fermentor System
This application note describes the performance of a single-use Xcellerex XDR-50 bioreactor system when used in cultivations of E. coli and of modified Pseudomonas fluorecsens (P. fluorescens) producing a monoclonal antibody (MAb). Both the achieved microbe densities and product yield were shown to be consistent with the performance of conventional stainless steel systems.
Obtaining Good Yields With High Purity Of An N-terminal Histidine-Tagged Protein
ÄKTA start eliminates the hassles of manual protein purification handling, such as loading large sample volumes and continually monitoring UV readings, and can give you consistency of yield and purity. Madhu demonstrates how ÄKTA start aided him in purifying a recombinant N-terminal histidine-tagged protein.