Cytiva product datasheets, catalogs, app notes
Developing A HIC Polishing Step For The Removal Of mAb Aggregates
Learn in-depth about the development of a flow-through polishing step that employs hydrophobic interaction chromatography for the elimination of monoclonal antibody aggregates.
Alkaline Stability Of Modern Protein A Chromatography Resins
Explore results from a resin lifetime study with over 150 cycles, using clarified cell harvest in every cycle, which has been performed to evaluate the alkaline stability of three protein A resins.
Protein L Affinity Resin Is Ready To Move To Manufacturing
Discover a protein L affinity chromatography resin that is well suited for use in biomanufacturing and offers increased binding capacities compared to other resins.
AAV Full/Empty Capsid Separation Using Mechanistic Modeling
In this study, we used mechanistic modeling to investigate how AAV-resin interactions are affected when MgCl2 is used as an elution additive.
Recombinant Protein Purification Optimization With HIC
A step-by-step high-throughput process development (HTPD) workflow to determine the optimal resin and initial conditions for hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC).
Alkaline Stability Of Fc And VH3 Binding In Protein A Resins
In this study, we looked at how different antibody binding sites of a protein A ligand are affected by cleaning in place (CIP).
rAAV Production Using HEK293 Cell Line And Transfection Medium
Investigate how using a peak expression cell culture medium in the right bioreactor can promote recombinant protein production and improve the performance of a scalable AAV process.
Establishing A Robust Workflow To Identify High-Performing Clones
Cell line development is a complex, labor intensive, and multistep process. Learn about a platform and host cell line that minimize the risk and timeline to develop high-performing clones.
Capture Of Bispecific Antibodies And Removal Of Product-Related Impurities
Many antibody variants are prone to aggregation or to forming product-related impurities. Explore the application of a resin with novel selectivity to purify challenging entities.
Generating A Robust Host Cell Line For A Cell Line Development Platform
Learn how cell performance within the context of the cell line development workflow was confirmed with the successful isolation of stable, high-producing clones from three model monoclonal antibodies.