Cytiva product datasheets, catalogs, app notes
Packing MabSelect™ And MabSelect SuRe™ Resins Using Verified Methods
Proper packing of MabSelect resins is crucial for efficient chromatography. Verified methods ensure stability, optimal flow, and reproducibility across scales using automated tools.
Production Of A Highly Concentrated Monoclonal Antibody
Discover how you can achieve a final mAb concentration above 200 g/L while maintaining critical quality attributes.
Extractables In Single-Use Systems Used In ADC Manufacturing
To address concerns about using organic solvents in the ADC process, extractables studies were conducted on a disposable chromatography column housing and two different disposable flow paths.
TFF Cassettes With 100 kDa Membranes For RNA And LNP Applications
This study showcases the performance of regenerated cellulose flat sheet membranes with a 100 kDa molecular weight cutoff for UF/DF of RNA molecules by TFF.
Media And Buffer Mixing Using The Xcellerex™ Magnetic Mixer
A common requirement for media and buffer preparation in biopharma processing is powder-liquid mixing. Review the performance of a 3000 L single-use mixing system for preparing aqueous solutions.
Determining The Power Numbers For A Single-Use Mixing System
In designing a mixing process for scale-up, the power number is a critical parameter. Explore the determined power numbers for a single-use mixer at various mixing speeds and fill levels.
Adapting Single-Use Chromatography To Manufacturing Scale
Explore strategies for accommodating the ever-increasing upstream titers and volumes to prevent downstream purification from becoming a bottleneck.
Developing A Large-Scale Tangential Flow Filtration Process
Discover a process that can be modified to fit your downstream process and serves as a complete solution for concentration and diafiltration.
Bulk Filling Of Drug Substance | Accurate Aliquoting
Bulk filling drug substances in traditional facilities is often a lengthy, manual process where operators are relied upon to adjust pump controls to achieve accurate filling. This method, spanning multiple shifts, increases process risk through errors that can compromise accuracy.
Sterilizing Grade Filter Performance With Biologic Drugs
Examine the throughput performance of sterilizing grade filters across moderate-to-high concentrations of mAbs and immunoglobulins as well as how filter selection can impact your process.