Downstream Manufacturing Solutions
Buffer And Balanced Salt Solutions
Critical in almost every step of viral vector and gene therapy manufacturing processes as well as fundamental aspects of cell therapy process development, buffers are essential tools enabling optimization of vector stability, transfection efficiency, safety, targeting, and regulatory compliance.
FlexFactoryâ„¢ Process Trains For Flexible, Configurable Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Capacity
Transform your space to fit your needs
Configurable FlexFactory™ biomanufacturing process trains can help scientists better control the production and processing of different viral vectors and new modalities—all within the same space. Plan your agile manufacturing strategy with greater efficiency and integration to address current and future capacity needs.
Drug Product Fill And Finish
Uncover how comprehensive drug product fill and finish services streamline the journey from formulation development to commercialization, ensuring quality, efficiency, and compliance at every stage.
An Agile, Fully Integrated Continuous Processing Platform
With our high-productivity and single-use technology, we provide you with a continuous manufacturing approach with easy-to-modulate capacity and efficient end-to-end sustainable processes.
Protein Characterization And Metabolomic Analysis
Rapid protein characterization and metabolomic analysis with microfluidic technology for highly efficient separations of complex samples. Simplify sample preparation, reduce analysis time, and achieve faster results with the ZipChip CE-MS device.
ZipChip CE-MS device efficiently separates and seamlessly introduces samples into your mass spectrometer with electrospray ionization (ESI). Common challenging analyses are made easy, including protein separation for biopharmaceutical critical quality attributes (CQA), Charge Variant Analysis, and metabolite quantification from biological matrices. Experience a powerful alternative to liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC MS).
Allegro MVP Single-Use System
Explore an automated bioprocessing system designed to enhance flexibility and boost productivity in both upstream and downstream single-use processes.
An Automated Filtration And Bulk Filling System
Discover an automated filtration and filling system designed to accurately and aseptically aliquot bulk product into multiple biocontainers or bottles.
Single-Use Automated Virus Filtration System
Learn about a single-use automated filtration system designed to deliver robust process control during this critical downstream step.
Protein L Mix-N-Go™ ELISA Kits
Swiftly and accurately assess the amount of protein L impurity remaining in your antibody fragment drug products with kits that ensure irreversible Protein L dissociation from antibody fragment drug products.
Robocolumn® And MiniChrom Chromatography Columns
Learn in detail about small-scale prepacked chromatography columns for accelerated process development, method optimization, parameter screening, and sample preparation.