Newsletter | November 29, 2022

11.29.22 -- Looking to improve resin usage? Run your chromatography in continuous mode!


Multi-Column Capture Chromatography

In traditional capture chromatography, the resin is only utilized up to 60 - 70% of its capacity to minimize potential product loss. Continuous capture chromatography allows for improved resin capacity through continuous loading of multiple columns in series, reducing cost of goods. Read the app note now.

Continuous Capture Chromatography With The Mobius Multi Column Capture System

The Mobius Multi Column Capture System is a fully automated, single-use solution to operate continuous closed-capture chromatography. It manages process parameters in real time with reference to changing column load, surge feed tank load, and monitoring resin performance.

Request Information


Learn more about MilliporeSigma's Chromatography Systems for Bioprocessing here.


If you'd like to speak to an expert, let them know here.