Finance & Capital Markets
The Legend Steve Gorlin's Golden Rules
Shortly after Thalidomide became a household word—albeit a very, very bad one—a biotech investor bought it for a couple hundred grand. Who on earth would want a drug pulled from the market for causing birth defects? Steve Gorlin did.
Embracing Biotech Chaos With Memo's Erik van den Berg
Erik van den Berg is CEO and board member at Memo Therapeutics, and he's a student of biotech chaos. In fact, he's been embracing it with intention for the past 30 years. On this episode of the Business of Biotech, he walks us through the management of that chaos in specific detail.
Biotech C-Suite Construction With Allan Shaw
Allan Shaw is back with us this week to dig into the complexities of strategic hiring in biotech. If you're growing a biotech in these volatile times, this episode of the Business of Biotech offers veteran insight you won't want to miss.
Dr. Randall Schatzman & The New Fundraising Norm
Dr. Randy Schatzman, CEO at Bolt Biotherapeutics, discusses how his company has adjusted to pandemic-related disruption on the fundraising trail without missing a beat. He walks us through the remote-fundraising strategy that landed Bolt's recent $93.5 million Series C financing round, and how the company is moving towards an IPO in spite of market, civil, and political tumult.
BoB@JPM: Stefan Scherer, M.D., Ph.D., 3T Bioscience
From the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco, Dr. Stefan Scherer shares insight from 3T Bioscience's transition from clinical medicine to drug development, and his experiences in biotech leadership along the way.
Approvals & Mergers: Inside Enzyvant With Bill Symonds, Pharm.D.
Today's episode of the Business of Biotech covers a lot of ground with Enzyvant CEO Bill Symonds, Pharm.D. Among other things, we discuss the career moves Dr. Symonds has made within the "vant" environment since his involvement in the launch of the original Roivant, the approval of Rethymic, the merger of Altavant and Enzyvant, and the company's intentions for a brand new regenerative medicine manufacturing facility in Research Triangle Park. From drug approvals to mergers, from internal manufacturing capacity to founders-turned-presidential candidates, this one's got it all.
Biotech Course Correction With Treehill Partners' Ali Pashazadeh
It wouldn't be accurate to say that surgeon-turned-healthcare investment banker and consultant Dr. Ali Pashazadeh traded his scalpels for spreadsheets. In fact, he still wields a scalpel quite frequently, and on this episode of the Business of Biotech podcast, he offers a fantastic reason why.
iNK T-Cell Immuno-oncology For Solid Tumors With Dr. Ian Walters
Dr. Ian Walters' company, Portage Biotech, is focused on addressing the 75% of cancer patients who show no, or limited, response to existing therapies such as checkpoint inhibitors. Leading that charge are the company's invariant natural killer T cell agonists, designed to activate the innate and adaptive immune system, as well as a growing portfolio of proteins, antibodies, and small molecules. On this episode of the Business of Biotech, Dr. Walters shares what's fueling the company's progress, including its unique financing strategy and its approach to de-risking platform development for novel immuno-oncology therapies.
Lessons From The Bone Therapeutics/Medsenic Merger With BioSenic's François Rieger, Ph.D.
On the surface, the merger of Medsenic (a developer of arsenic salt formulations for therapeutic application in inflammatory conditions) and Bone Therapeutics (which develops allogeneic cell therapies for complicated bone fractures) doesn't look obviously synergistic. But Francois Rieger, Ph.D. says that on the scientific level, it's a perfect union, and the veteran biotech founder says the business should always follow the science. The union of the two companies formed BioSenic, which Dr. Regier now serves as CEO. On this week's episode of the Business of Biotech, Dr. Regier shows us the good, the bad, and the ugly of the merger process and shares his philosophy on letting science lead the way, regardless of the analysts' takes.
Episode 2: The Business Of Biotech: Allan Shaw
There are few better suited to advise the leaders of new and emerging biopharma companies on the building blocks of a biotech startup than Allan Shaw. That's why we chose Shaw to help us kick off our Business of Biotech podcast series with an overview of the episodes to come. In addition to his work on the financial front lines of several biotechs, Shaw holds multiple board of director roles with startup biopharma firms, and he advises dozens more in his role as special adviser. On this episode, we'll preview the series and absorb Shaw's to-the-point, practical advice on winning finances, building a pitch, assembling a biotech all-star team, leaving the incubator, navigating early regulatory considerations, and a whole lot more. The Business Of Biotech is produced by BioProcess Online and brought to you with the support of Cytiva.