Products & Services
CHO Host Cell Protein ELISA Kit, 3rd Generation
The CHO HCP ELISA Kit, 3G provides robust performance supported by decades of in-house technical expertise. The CHO HCP ELISA Kit, 3G is able to detect HCPs in the range of 100 parts per billion for a variety of antibodies and other therapeutic proteins expressed in CHO.
EndonucleaseGTP® ELISA Kit
EndonucleaseGTP® ELISA Kit is a sensitive and specific assay to detect and quantify residual endonuclease impurity in recombinant viral vector and vaccine preparations.
Protein A ELISA Kits
Cygnus Protein A ELISA Kits and Protein A Mix-N-Go™ ELISA Kits are designed for robust and sensitive detection of residual native Protein A, natural recombinant Protein A, and other unnatural recombinant Protein A ligands utilized in many commercially available Protein A chromatography resins.
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