Leap-In Transposase® Mediated Cell Line Development
Discover ATUM’s Leap-In transposases® and synthetic transposons, which enable a cost-effective, easily implemented cell line development workflow. The technology delivers high productivity pools and cell lines, resulting in consistent product quality.
Rapid recovery of stable pools consisting of many very similar high producing cells is possible with Leap-In transposases® ability to integrate into >90% of all transfected cells. Most cells transfected with this technology can integrate 3-70 independent, nonconcatemerized copies of the transposon into their genomes. Leap-In technology underpins ATUM’s cell line development services and is also licensable for your in-house use.
Leap-In Transposase® mediated cell line development results in:
- Shorter timelines
- High productivity
- Genetic stability
Learn how your can generate stable pools faster, as well as improving your yield, stability, speed and efficiency throughout transient timelines.
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