
IsoClear A™ & IsoClear B™ Chromatography Adsorbents

Source: Astrea Bioseparations
Scientist dosing a drop with pipet to exam with microscope GettyImages-1364143536

IsoClear A™ and IsoClear B™ adsorbents are highly selective for the removal of isoagglutinin antibodies, enabling cost effective and efficient reduction of isoagglutinin titre for plasma and plasma derived products.

Astrea Bioseparations have developed these two affinity chromatography adsorbents (IsoClear A™ & IsoClear B™) comprising of immobilized trisaccharide blood group antigens (A & B). These antigens are chemically synthesized and covalently attached to a biocompatible polymethacrylate support matrix.

Key Features

  • Highly specific A and B trisaccharide blood group antigen ligands
  • Ligands synthesised in house to give security of supply
  • Biocompatible polymethacrylate base matrix
  • Operational conditions up to 500 cm/h (up to 1 bar)
  • Specific for anti-A, anti-B & anti-A,B isoagglutinins (IgM and IgG isotypes)
  • High performance (> 97% isoagglutinin clearance from plasma)
  • Robust, long life adsorbents capable of multiple cycles