Find The Right Intensification Strategy For Your Upstream And Downstream Processes

How do you know if an intensification approach will give you advantages over your current biomanufacturing process, and how do you choose the right one? Your upstream bioreactor operations might benefit from steady-state perfusion, concentrated fed-batch, or another option. While you might enhance your downstream capture (protein A step) with high-capacity resins, Fibro rapid cycling, or continuous multicolumn chromatography. But it can be difficult to understand how adopting any of these solutions will change your overall process, and what the implications are when you take a holistic approach to upstream and downstream intensification.
Using Cytiva’s Process Intensifier app, three of Cytiva’s foremost process intensification experts show how different intensification approaches affect outputs using different scenarios.
In this webinar, learn:
- What to expect from various intensification approaches for your upstream bioreactor operations and downstream capture (protein A step),
- How visualizing common intensification scenarios in the Process Intensifier app can help you understand their impacts on your processes, and
- What to consider when implementing intensified processes in your facility.
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