Application Note

Determining Total Cell Count With MAVERICK Biomass Measurements

Source: 908 Devices
Maverick circle image

The MAVERICK tool offers an efficient solution for monitoring and controlling several critical process parameters (CPP) in bioprocess management. It utilizes in-line Raman process analytical technology (PAT) to measure and report "biomass units" (BMUs) through the volumetric scattering and absorption of culture media, which are linearly related to total cell densities. This tool was tested on CHO and HEK293 cell lines, with results showing a strong correlation between BMUs and total cell densities. It has the capacity to monitor and control glucose, lactate, and biomass in up to six bioreactors. This study highlights the MAVERICKs ability to optimize cell growth and viability in bioreactors, and its potential for real-time monitoring of culture growth.

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