Welcome to the STREAM Newsletter!
We’re excited to introduce STREAM by Life Science Connect, our new platform dedicated to delivering relevant and engaging video content to the life sciences industry. With over 40,000 webinar views across the Life Science Connect communities in 2024, we created STREAM to meet the growing demand for video as a preferred way to learn, connect, and stay informed. Explore some of our latest videos below, or visit STREAM to access hundreds more.
Video | MilliporeSigma
Discover software designed to ensure fully accurate data recording in sterility testing and that complies with 21 CFR Part 11 standards for electronic records and signatures.
Webinar | IDBS UK HQ
How can organizations establish the foundation for advanced analytics, AI and ML, in pursuit of a robust and adaptive lab of the future?
Webinar | Advanced Instruments, Inc.
Learn why failure to include at least some elements of GMP in your cell line design and development process could make it more difficult to get the data required for future IND or BLAs.
Webinar | Nanoform
Nanoform CEO Edward Haeggstrom and Shawn Davies, head of drug delivery, biopharmaceuticals development, AstraZeneca, discuss the potential of nanoscale medicines and delivery devices.
Webinar | 908 Devices
Learn how at-line analytics are valuable for process modeling and biosimulation through topics such as digital design and modeling cell culture processes.
Webinar | Emulate
Learn about drug development challenges, the evolution of in vitro cell culture towards greater human relevance, a complete solution for creating human-relevant and translatable models, and more.
Webinar | Sartorius
Discover the advantages of single-use systems over traditional bottles, including improved quality, flexibility, and safety.
Webinar | Cytiva
Watch to explore strategies to overcome buffer-related bottlenecks in large-scale biomanufacturing.
Video | AES Clean Technology, Inc.
AES Clean Technology builds more cleanrooms than anyone else. The market is busy, and so are we... but are we too busy? The answer is a resounding "NO, AES is not too busy!" We plan our cleanroom design, panel manufacturing, and manpower loading and scale as needed. We currently have the capacity to more than double our panel manufacturing.
Webinar | Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Explore data resulting from an initial high-throughput screening experiment carried out to broadly evaluate anion exchange resins that exhibited high LVV recovery.
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