Northway Biotech is a biologics CDMO with FDA and EMA-compliant facilities in Waltham, MA, and Vilnius, Lithuania. Since 2004, we have completed over 175 mammalian and microbial projects for 90 global clients.

We offer a full range of services, including cell line development, upstream and downstream process development (USP & DSP), formulation, analytical methods development, and both clinical and commercial cGMP manufacturing of drug substances (up to 4,000 L for mammalian and 3,000 L for microbial processes) and drug products for recombinant proteins and antibodies.

Recently, Northway Biotech expanded into gene therapy with a new CDMO facility—the first building of the BIO CITY project, which aims to become the largest biotech hub in Europe. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure and expert teams deliver customized solutions to meet each client’s unique needs.