The Ultimate Guide To Digitizing Pharma Manufacturing

Pharma manufacturers have made significant investments in manufacturing process automation, including enterprise resource planning (ERP), material requirements planning (MRP), laboratory information management systems (LIMS), quality management systems (QMS), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. However, these investments are too often impeded by the organization employing manual, disconnected,
and primarily paper-based processes on the shop floor. People on the production line are dealing with paper, spreadsheets, and other standalone systems to create, maintain, approve, and release batch records.
That said, leading manufacturing companies today are focusing heavily on fully digitizing and integrating their information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) capabilities.
Numerous pharma manufacturing organizations are adopting next-generation best practices to become more agile, efficient, and competitive. Our guide is essential to your understanding of how leading pharmaceutical manufacturers are modernizing their operations. Learn how to stay current with industry trends and ensure long-term relevance in the value chain.
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