Article | June 14, 2023

The 3 Stages Of MES Analytics For Drug Manufacturing

By Brian Curran, Senior VP of Strategic Growth, MasterControl

Field Service Industrial Manufacturing

MasterControl took a closer look at what goes on during the manufacturing process, and found that about 80% of manufacturers have paper processes at some point during production, even those with a manufacturing execution system (MES). Frequently, this is the production record, which involves hundreds of pieces of paper with thousands of entries. By using paper, companies are limiting the manufacturing insights they can glean and typically locking up the information in banker’s boxes in an off-site facility.

In order to access all manufacturing data, the most practical solution is a cost effective, modern MES for all lines. Help your organization access the data you need for manufacturing insights no matter what stage your in, starting with the introductory level of analytics and working up to AI.

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