
The Andelyn Difference


“What’s in a name?” the saying goes. In this case, much more than meets the eye. Andelyn Biosciences is much more than a corporate name for a biotech business. For this innovative biotech organization, the patient always comes first. Inspired by two young gene therapy pioneers Andelyn Biosciences is a combination of the names of the children who participated in the momentous Phase I clinical trials at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

In 2006, eight-year-old Andrew Kilbarger underwent the U.S.’s first-in-human investigational gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Later in 2015, at only eight weeks old, infant Evelyn Villarreal received experimental gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy. With its hybrid name, the organization seeks to honor those who participated in trailblazing research and have made gene therapies feasible for patients today.

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