
Small And Emerging Biopharma Companies Outsourcing Practices

Source: ISR Reports
Surveying The Clinical CRO Market & Outsourcing Landscape

There is no question that the drug development services industry is complex, dynamic, and continuously evolving. While every sponsor company is different, all can benefit from keeping a pulse on current outsourcing practices and the activities being outsourced. Similarly, being aware of industry peers’ service provider selection criteria when engaging a service provider can offer insight into outsourcing success. That said, there are a lot of questions to be answered. What are the current outsourcing drivers? What manufacturing activities are being outsourced? What criteria are driving service provider selection? And how do these decisions differ by company size?  To answer these questions, over the past year, Industry Standard Research (ISR) conducted several research activities with the aim of better understanding the needs of small and emerging biopharma companies (those spending less than $100M annually on R&D) and how they differ from the larger industry players (those spending $100M+ annually on R&D).

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