
Productivity And Throughput Calculator

Purolite is providing a new service for those considering the switch to Praesto™ Jetted A50 or Praesto™ Jetted A50 HipH for their resin needs.

Purolite's Virtual Throughput & Productivity Resin Calculator

Are you losing valuable product from your protein A step? The unique properties of our Praesto™ Jetted A50 HipH helps you to addresses challenges in eluting pH-sensitive mAbs and Fc-containing proteins.

Calculate the process efficiencies you can achieve by switching to a higher capacity, more efficient mass transfer resin.

This service allows your technical teams to:

  • Theoretically calculate expected process outcomes in terms of throughput, productivity and cost based on capacity.
  • To calculate the process efficiencies that can be achieved by switching to a higher capacity, more efficient mass transfer resin such as Praesto™ Jetted A50.
  • To demonstrate SMART cycling based on customer data.
  • Provide a useful tool for process development groups during resin selection.

Click here to view the Productivity & Throughput Calculator and request samples.