News | August 3, 2009

Position Paper Highlights Advancements In Balance Enclosure Technology

Source: Labconco Corporation

Labconco Corporation offers an 8-page white paper titled, "Advances in Balance Enclosure Technology Bring Safety Enhancements to the Pharmaceutical Industry."

The paper describes the evolution of prescription drug development and how companies are trying to identify new compounds that will become the drugs of tomorrow. Containment solutions for reducing worker exposure during weighing and dispensing of hazardous powders are now in the forefront. Use of traditional fume hoods and their shortcomings to contain powders are discussed and compared to balance enclosures that were introduced into the marketplace in the early 1990's. Labconco's product introduction, the XPert® Balance Enclosure and Filtered System are presented.

Independent testing to validate the containment of the XPert Balance Enclosure and Filtered System is provided. ASHRAE 110-1995 testing, conducted by ECT, Incorporated, Cary, North Carolina, concluded that these enclosures maintained containment of tracer gas at face velocities greater than 50 fpm.

An industrial hygiene air-monitoring study, conducted by SafeBridge Consultants, Inc., Mountain View, California, confirmed the enclosures' ability to effectively contain naproxen sodium, a non-potent active pharmaceutical ingredient selected for its high dustiness quotient and challenging electrostatic properties.

SOURCE: Labconco Corporation