E-Book | August 18, 2021

Patent Trends In Biologics

Source: Bioprocess Online

Advances in biotech manufacturing are making the production of many biological therapies, such as antibodies, vaccines, and even cell therapies, easier and more cost-effective than ever. Biologics account for more than a quarter of pharmaceutical production, and that share continues to grow. Most forecasts peg global biologic therapies annual revenue at a figure north of $7 billion by 2025.

This combination of market potential and rapidly improving manufacturing technology creates an incredibly competitive environment. With that intense competition comes the necessity for biopharma companies to ensure the patent protection of their molecules early, and to plan strategically for protection beyond commercialization.

To outline the need for these protections and provide context and direction, we've procured this collection of fresh thought leadership columns from biopharmaceutical patent experts Benjamin Pelletier (Haynes and Boone) and Jacqueline R. Berman, Jeffrey R. Gargano, Zachary D. Miller, Maria Kalousi-Tatum, Candace Polster, Christopher Betti, Ph.D., and Richard Martin, Ph.D. (Morgan Lewis). We hope you enjoy and find value in their insight.

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