
Long and Accurate PCR

Source: Sigma Aldrich
AccuTaq LA is designed for long and accurate PCR for cloning, sequencing, mutation analysis, and protein expression...
AccuTaq LA is designed for long and accurate PCR for cloning, sequencing, mutation analysis, and protein expression. The product combines the functionality of two thermostable enzymes, a highly processive polymerase, and a proofreading polymerase. The combination yields more accurate PCR products (up to 6.5X standard Taq) and amplifies templates from 0.25 to 40kb and beyond.

Additionally, the product is suited for amplifying complex DNA templates such as human genomic DNA. Its high fidelity makes it the enzyme of choice when performing amplifications where a low error frequency is critical, such as in RT-PCR and cloning.

Sigma Aldrich, 1001 W. Saint Paul Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233. Tel: 414-273-3850; Fax: 414-273-4979.