White Paper

Liposomal And Nanoparticle Technology At Pfizer Melbourne

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In 2019, the Pfizer Melbourne site opened a state of the science liposomal and nanoparticle facility to facilitate market entry of several pre-commercial products. Discover the difference with Pfizer CentreOne. Science at its best.

The facility was designed with flexibility in mind and accommodates numerous processing modalities and multiple equipment trains for the manufacture of intermediates, liposomes and nanoparticles. The facility builds on the many years of liposomal research and development at Pfizer Melbourne and the translation of that research into clinical and commercial scale operations. The facility has been consciously designed to accommodate small scale development, clinical stage and commercial production within the one footprint, thus allowing a more seamless lab to patient transfer and scale up experience. The opening of this new facility and the investment in related equipment and technology fits nicely within the broader site’s sterile fill and finish capabilities, which also includes large scale lyophilization. The site manufactures a broad array of products ranging from anti-infective medicines to high potent oncology medicines across four aseptic filling lines.

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