ISI Alerting Services
Choose from table-of-contents and profile-based services that deliver the latest data via Web or e-mail. Each personalized service is unique in customization, service, and content. Profiles are developed independently or with the help of ISI® experts.
ISI Discovery AgentSM is a profile-based alerting service that enables individuals to create, test, and refine their own search profiles to locate current information from over 9,000 leading journals, books, and proceedings in the multidisciplinary Current Contents® research resource. Discovery AgentSM delivers complete bibliographic information and author abstracts to users' desktops. ISI Discovery Agent is used by VerticalNet editors!
ISI Journal Tracker™ is a cost effective table-of-contents alerting service. It delivers current, complete tables of contents and author abstracts to users' desktops. Journal Tracker™ allows users to select the tables of contents of up to 25 journals of their choice from over 8,000 of the world's leading journals.
ISI Personal Alert® is a highly customized, profile-based alerting service that delivers current, complete bibliographic data and author abstracts to your desktop. Users consult with ISI® information specialists to define unique search profiles that pull selected data from over 16,000 journals, books, and conference proceedings. Personal Alert® is the only alerting service to offer cited reference searching for enhanced information retrieval!