In-House Plasmid Production To Secure Supply Chains
By Kristin Heller, Andrew Moreo, and Jonathan Rush, Andelyn Biosciences

Access to plasmid is a significant stumbling block in downstream biopharmaceutical manufacturing; instability in manufacturing, as well as issues identified post-sequencing, are perhaps bigger factors in this problem than capacity, but each are important considerations for companies looking to streamline their development efforts. Working closely with a CDMO that performs in-house plasmid production affords companies the opportunity to collaborate and optimize processes and create efficiencies.
Partnering with a plasmid supplier that can scale alongside a therapy’s development can save companies time and money through standardized, connected protocols, comprehensive data aggregation, and in-house expertise. Andelyn Biosciences, a pioneering biopharmaceutical CDMO with capabilities that span plasmid production, viral vector analytical development, small- and large-scale adherent and suspension GMP drug substance manufacturing, and finished drug product manufacturing, has invested years of research to optimize its plasmid production capabilities. By prioritizing cross-functional communication and utilizing an enterprise resource planning system supported by frequent demand meetings, Andelyn works to ensure material availability and adequate safety stock.
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