
Gene Construction Kit2 : A Cloning Tool

Source: Textco, Inc.
GCK2 is ideal for planning and tracking complex construction projects.
Textco, for planning and tracking complex construction projects. You can manipulate DNA through a unique and innovative graphical interface. Others have tried to create similar products, but GCK2 ‘s user-friendly interface design stands alone. GCK2 automatically monitors and adjusts DNA ends during cutting and pasting (ligation), and with the unique Chronography feature tracks the history of any given DNA segment and maintains alternative views of your constructs. In addition, you can name, and store comments with each generation (view), and cut and paste DNA segments including segment history between constructs. Sophisticated restriction site marking can mark sites by how many times they cut, by the kind of cut they create (5', 3', blunt), or by whether or not they cut within a specific segment, and GCK2 allows you to create or remove restriction sites in coding regions using silent mutation. This cloning tool can find open reading frames (ORFs) using any codon table you specify, and you can create your own codon tables in addition to the standards provided. Without a doubt... GCK2 is a powerful productivity tool that every molecular biologist needs to have.

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