
Differential display Analysis

Source: Lark Technologies, Inc.
Differential display is a powerful technique for analyzing differences in gene expression

Differential display is a powerful technique for analyzing differences in gene expression. This can be useful in identifying novel genes and gene functions. Using differential display the investigator can directly observe the transcription of thousands of genes and monitor changes in their expression. These changes can result from a number of factors including mutation, differentiation, or introduction of a small molecule or cloned gene.

Differential display is an ideal tool for:

  • Analyzing disease states
  • Characterizing pharmacologically active compounds
  • Understanding structure activity relationships (SARs)
  • Discovering novel drug targets
  • Determining the function of oligonucleotides or gene therapy agents
By understanding how and when a gene is expressed or repressed, targeted interventions can be developed to maximize results and minimize harmful side effects.

Improved Methodologies

Differential display works by selectively amplifying large numbers of expressed sequences in individual analysis, and then "displaying" the genes by gel electrophoresis. Lark uses the Hieroglyph mRNA Profile Kit and the genomyx LR System to generate and display large amplified fragments. Analysis of large fragments not only improves the reproducibility of observed differences in gene expression, but also increases the likelihood of identifying protein coding regions of interest. The set of genes displayed by each analysis is controlled by the sequence of the oligonucleotide primers used in the amplification process. Specially designed primers improve the specificity of product amplification and improve coverage to capture rare gene expression.

Lark Technologies, Inc., 9441 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. South, Suite 103, Houston, TX 77099. Tel: 713-779-3663; Fax: 713-779-1661.