Application Note

Contrasting Dynamic Binding Capacity Across Affinity Resins

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Protein A affinity resins are widely used in therapeutic drug purification, but their cost can be significant. High-capacity protein A resins are preferred as they bind more efficiently to the target molecule, thus reducing costs. This study compares the Dynamic Binding Capacity (DBC) of two Purolite protein A resins and two competitor products in the purification of three types of antibody-related molecules. The study found that Praesto™ Jetted A50 showed consistent performance across traditional and complex molecules, with a DBC comparable to competitor resins. Praesto™ Jetted A50 HipH showed the best DBC for the bispecific antibody, and reduced aggregation due to milder pH elution. View the study results that concluded Purolite Resins™ perform comparably across different molecular structures.

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