An Innovative Approach To Streamline Raman Implementation For Cell Culture Processes: One-Batch Calibration

Traditional methods for building models for Raman spectroscopy are often time-consuming and resource-intensive, which limits efficiency and can hinder the widespread adoption of the technology. The innovative approach of one-batch calibration simplifies the Raman calibration process while maintaining comparable accuracy for real-time monitoring, akin to conventional methods that require multiple calibration batches.
Monitoring cell cultures is vital for understanding the process and ensuring the production of safe, high-quality products. Raman spectroscopy offers the capability to monitor multiple cell culture parameters both in-line and in real time. However, before Raman spectroscopy can be used for process monitoring, calibration models must be developed that correlate Raman spectra with off-line reference measurements of the target parameters.
One-batch calibration reduces the time, effort, consumables, and human intervention needed for data generation by up to four times. This approach creates a more streamlined and efficient workflow, as it eliminates the need for multiple calibration batches. Additionally, one-batch calibration improves the robustness of Raman modeling and simplifies technology transfer to other sites for efficient implementation. Explore the details of this innovative approach and how its performance compares to standard modeling techniques.
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