
SDR SensorDish® Reader: Noninvasive On-line Culture Monitoring Of Oxygen And pH

Source: PreSens Precision Sensing GmbH
The SDR SensorDish® Reader is a small 24-channel reader for non-invasive detection of oxygen and pH in disposable 24- or 6-well multidishes. The multidishes contain a sensor spot at the bottom of each well. They are read out non-invasively and non-destructively through the transparent bottom of the multidishes by the SensorDish® Reader placed below them.

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: SDR SensorDish® Reader – NonIinvasive On-line Culture Monitoring Of Oxygen And pH
Application Note: On-line Oxygen Monitoring In Cell Culture
Application Note: Process Monitoring In Suspension-Adapted CHO Cell Cultures

The SDR SensorDish® Reader is a small 24-channel reader for non-invasive detection of oxygen and pH in disposable 24- or 6-well multidishes. The multidishes contain a sensor spot at the bottom of each well. They are read out non-invasively and non-destructively through the transparent bottom of the multidishes by the SensorDish® Reader placed below them. The software calculates the pH or oxygen value without plate calibration by the user: Calibration data are uploaded conveniently from a file. Oxygen and pH kinetics are visualized in real-time during the entire cultivation with the user-friendly software. All measured data can be exported to Excel or ASCII for further evaluation. The real-time data acquisition indicates necessary medium changes instantly. Furthermore, simultaneous monitoring of many samples enables comparison of different samples as well as using replicates. The SensorDish® Reader can be used in incubators and on shakers and is thus the ideal tool for cell cultivation. Read out of re-usable oxygen sensors integrated in glass vessels for respiration monitoring is also possible. With the optional extension it is possible to monitor up to 240 samples (10 SDRs) in a parallel processing.

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: SDR SensorDish® Reader – NonIinvasive On-line Culture Monitoring Of Oxygen And pH
Application Note: On-line Oxygen Monitoring In Cell Culture
Application Note: Process Monitoring In Suspension-Adapted CHO Cell Cultures