
PCR+20 Columns

Source: Worthington Biochemical Corp.
Gel-Spin PCR +20Columns3 are prepacked and equilibriated

Gel-Spin PCR +20Columns3 are prepacked and equilibriated, ready-to-use, centrifugal purification units designed for the purification of nucleic acids in PCR, random-prime, nick-translation and other labeling and primer-extension applications.

The unit consists of a micro-centrifuge column prepacked with sulfoxethyl cellulose, a strong cationic exchanger, and Sephadex G-50, combining molecular sieve and cation exchange chromatography into a single-use unit.

Worthington Biochemical Corporation, 730 Vassar Ave., Lakewood, NJ 08701. Tel: 800-445-9603 or 732-942-1660; Fax: 800-368-3108 or. 732-942-9270