
Low-Fluorescence Filter Plate

Low-Fluorescence Filter Plate
The AcroWell low-fluorescence 96-well filter plate has been designed for

The AcroWell low-fluorescence 96-well filter plate has been designed for high-throughput screening applications. This plate allows binding and washing solutions to be removed with minimal target loss and fluorescent background emissions as low as plain styrene plates without filter membranes. It also maintains a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 5:1, the minimum required to differentiate a real signal from background, down to 1 fmol per well. Using a patented sealing technology, this plate eliminates crosstalk between wells and weeping of solution through the membrane due to capillary action or gravity. It has a single-piece construction that contains a chemically resistant, biologically inert filter plate that provides robotic compatibility and low non-specific binding.

Eg&G Wallac Inc., 9238 Gaither Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Phone: (301) 963-3200 Fax: (301) 963-7780