
Bioreactors And DOE Expertise To Characterize Your Process Prior To PPQ

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Assess your process in scale-down bioreactors that allow for increased model curvature and variables in your process DOEs.


Debottleneck process characterization

Utilize a large number of bioreactors and dedicated staff to characterize your process. Culture’s DOE expertise can be leveraged to design effective studies to define your Critical Process Parameters (CPPs).

Avoid large, upfront CAPEX and FTE training

Effectively leverage Culture’s fleet of bioreactors and dedicated expert staff instead of building lab space, hiring specialized staff and commissioning costly capital equipment.

Transparent and real-time data provided by a proven team

Live data monitoring via our cloud-connected systems enable real-time evaluation of your process characterization runs. This de-risks your experimental investment by enabling faster, in-process decisions and accelerating outcomes.


Run extensive DOEs

Our team and custom bioreactors can support large DOEs for data generation including multi-factor screening and other experimental designs.

DOE design and data analysis support

Culture’s team of data scientists can help with DOE design, power analysis and experimental outcome analysis.

Transparent, real-time data sharing

Our data sharing platform enables real-time access to process trends and analytical data for your process characterization experiments.