
Amyloid Beta-Protein Immunohistostain Kit

Amyloid β-protein immunohistostain kit

This kit can be used in the histostaining of Alzheimer's diseased brain tissues.

The Amyloid β-protein immunohistostain kit is for discriminative staining of Aβ 40 and Aβ 42 deposited in the brain with Alzheimer's disease. The senile plaques formation of amylois beta-protein (Aβ) in the brain is one of the well-known symptoms of Alzhimer's disease, which are reported to cause neural death. This kit allows distinctive stain between plaques of Aβ 40 (1-40) and Aβ 42 (1-42) in a section to each other. 

The antigen in tissue section is sequentially reacted with primary antibody specific to either Aβ 40 or Aβ 42, and biotinylated anti mouse IgG as the secondary antibody and ABC reagent in this order, resulting in formation of an antigen-antibodies-ABC complex. 


  • The product stains amyloid β-protein (1-40) and amyloid β-protein (1-42) specifically by the C-terminal specific antibodies.
  • The staining is highly sensitive due to high antibody specificity.

Precautions concerning use or handling

  • Examine optimal conditions including reaction temperature and time depending on tissues.
  • It is difficult to stain Aβ 40 and Aβ 42 on the same section. Please use continuous sections.
  • Change lemosol*, xylene and ethanol for deparaffination after processing about 30 to 40 slides. If they are used without changing, the background is intensified.
  • Take care not to dry the sections during staining. Drying weakens staining.
  • Do not use hot paraffin at 60°C or higher for tissue embedding.
  • Handle DAB with care as it is suspected for carcinogenicity. Do not use a solution containing a peroxidase inhibitor (NaN3, etc.) for dissolution of DAB and washing.

FUJIFILM Wako Chemicals U.S.A. Corp.