
Agilent LTM System For GC And GC/MS

Source: Agilent Technologies

Agilent Low Thermal Mass (LTM) technology meets the demand for faster GC analyses and higher sample throughput. 

Direct, rapid heating and cooling for faster, more productive GC and GC/MS
Agilent Low Thermal Mass (LTM) technology meets the demand for faster GC analyses and higher sample throughput. By providing dramatically faster temperature ramp rates, as well as independent temperature control of up to four column modules on a single GC, LTM technology shortens GC cycle times and makes it easier to deal with more difficult analytical challenges. Integration with Agilent Capillary Flow Technology can greatly reduce column maintenance and provide significant new capabilities in multi-dimensional and comprehensive GC analyses. And as an added benefit, the LTM system consumes far less power than a conventional GC platform.

LTM techniques are ideal for high throughput GC or GC/MS applications and for labs requiring the fastest possible sample turn-around. LTM technology’s benefits extend across a wide range of industries and applications, including:

  • Environmental
  • Chemical and Petroleum Processing
  • Food Safety
  • Flavors and Fragrances
  • Forensics
  • Pharmaceutical